Friday, February 7, 2014

Bronx News ( Gunmen Chicken Out?

Bronx News ( Gunmen Chicken Out?: Gunmen Chicken Out? By Dan Gesslein BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 6- Maybe they should have just ordered the combo deal. A pair of crook...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mott Haven News: Gunmen Chicken Out?

Mott Haven News: Gunmen Chicken Out?: Gunmen Chicken Out? By Dan Gesslein BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 6- Maybe they should have just ordered the combo deal. A pair...

Gunmen Chicken Out?

Gunmen Chicken Out?
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By Dan Gesslein
BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 6- Maybe they should have just ordered the combo deal. A pair of crooks who tried to rob a Morrisania takeout restaurant left empty handed but left cops with some good images of the gunmen.
At around 1 a.m. on January 25, two men walked into the Kennedy Fried Chicken on East 169th Street and demanded cash. One of the men pulled out a handgun and tried to rob the takeout joint but left empty handed.
Police released surveillance video of the attempted stickup. Both men wore hoodies but only one covered his face. The gunman wore a scarf or ski mask over his mouth but his accomplice did not. His face is seen on the video appearing to talk into a cell phone before the holdup.
The thieves are described as two men in their 20s. Anyone with information is urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at (800) 577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.
All calls are strictly confidential.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mott Haven News: Snow Days

Mott Haven News: Snow Days: Snow Days The Do's and Don'ts in Snow Removal COMMUNITY BOARD NEWS N’ VIEWS by Father Richard F. Gorman Chai...

Snow Days

Snow Days

The Do's and Don'ts in Snow Removal

Father Richard F. Gorman
Community Board #12 (The Bronx)
“I will follow a set of deep tracks;
other people all stay hidden
as the cars rest under snow drifts.”
BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 22- MATT POND PA is a New York-based band formed in Philadelphia by singer-songwriter Matt Pond. They have released a goodly number of
songs, some of which became “hits” and several of which have been used
in both films and television commercials, since 1998. Pond has been
the only consistent member of the group, although Chris Hansen is
considered to be the core member of the group. In the studio, they
often collaborate with other musicians, including former members, in
order to achieve their diverse instrumentation and expansive sound. In
recent years, Pond and Hansen have produced their recordings from a
cabin in Bearsville, New York. In November of 2010, their song quoted
above entitled "SNOW DAY" was featured in a commercial for STARBUCKS
for the java giant’s "BUY ONE HOLIDAY DRINK, GET ONE FREE" promotion
and seasonal beverage advertisements.
Although we have kept company with “Ole Man Winter” for approximately
a month’s time, we no doubt have severely felt his lash on a number of
occasions with some real Arctic-type weather conditions that he has
foisted upon us. In my last column, I addressed the bitterly cold
temperatures and offered some suggestions as to how we can remain safe
when the thermometer plummets. This time around, I should like to
remind all about some “do’s” and “don’ts” with regard to snow safety
and snow removal.
The most important “do” or responsibility when it comes to snow
removal is the obligation of a person in charge of any building or lot
--  be that individual the owner, occupant, or tenant  --  to clear
the sidewalk of snow and/or ice. Please note that there are specific
times designated for the fulfillment of this legal obligation. One
must clean the sidewalk no later than four hours after the snow has
stopped falling or by eleven o’clock in the morning if the snow/ice
was still coming down after nine o’clock (9:00 P.M.) the prior
Of course, one might legitimately and sensibly inquire if the
aforesaid duty remains in effect even if the snow or ice becomes so
frozen that it is literally impossible to remove.  The answer is that,
in such an instance, the responsible individual may spread sand, salt,
sawdust, cat litter that is clean and unused, or any other suitable
substance on sidewalk instead. However, it must be noted that the
aforementioned time limits still apply and remain in effect. It must
be further borne in mind that, as soon as the weather and other
conditions reasonably permit, the responsible party MUST have the
sidewalk thoroughly cleaned.
These prerequisites of law would appear, prima facie, to be both fair
and prudent.  Indeed, they are. They merely remind a conscientious
citizen of his/her obligations as a good neighbor. However, might it
be the case that one seeking to live up to this mandate might not be
able to justifiably undertake and realistically accomplish it?
Obviously, the response is YES! Does this excuse one, though, from
performance of one’s snow removal duty? The reply in this case is
conversely: “CERTAINLY NOT!” If one is ill, infirm, incapacitated or
elderly, the responsibility to clear the sidewalk remains in effect.
Such a person must then engage someone else to take care of matters
for him/her. Is this expectation perhaps too harsh or out of all
proportion? Such does not have to be the case. I shall return to this
point a tad further on.
Other stipulations relative to snow removal come under the “don’t”
category. These, to my mind, are a matter of simple self-interest and
basic prudence even more so than a matter of law. Regrettably, far too
many of our area residents  --  and I am particularly embarrassed to
report that there were many of my very own neighbors in Community
Board #12 (The Bronx) who are guilty in this regard  --  who
apparently are gravely lacking in knowledge, courtesy, compassion,
self-respect, respect for others, or a proper sense of civic pride and
duty because they DID  --  either in ignorance of information or
ignorance that indicates indifference and callousness  --  these
“DON’T’S,”  --  viz.”: covered and/or left snow-bound nearby fire
hydrants; threw snow back onto streets cleaned by our “STRONGEST,” the
men and the women of our New York City Department of Sanitation
(N.Y.C.D.O.S.); parked motor vehicles at an angle so as to encroach on
the roadway and consequently impede the safe flow of traffic.
To these folks, I merely inquire if they have ever considered the real
possibility of what happens in case of an emergency, such as a fire or
the need of a neighbor for emergency medical assistance. Will fire
fighters be able to connect fire hoses to a hydrant without expending
precious time and wasted efforts? Will an emergency vehicle be able to
get down a street obstructed by an improperly  --  and I might add
illegally  --  parked motor vehicle? Will I endanger others, including
drivers, pedestrians, and next-door neighbors, and/or their personal
property  --  e.g., motor vehicles, fences, homes, and front yards  --
by causing streets already cleared by N.Y.C.D.O.S. to be encumbered
once again by mounds of snow or to be imperiled by snow that has
melted and subsequently frozen?  Seriously, what is the major mental
malfunction in this regard?
Let’s not waste any more space or energy commiserating the
carelessness hard-headedness and hard-heartedness of the few. Permit
me to speak proactively and constructively to the many by respectfully
suggesting the following: check on elderly, homebound, or handicapped
neighbors in the event of a snow storm in order to insure that they
have adequate heat, food, water, and other necessary supplies;
(picking up from where I left off above with respect to those who
cannot clean their own sidewalks of snow and/or ice) lend a helping
hand to those who cannot clear their sidewalks on their own accord;
throw shoveled snow and/or ice along the edge of the sidewalk or in
one’s front yard and NEVER into a plowed street; be a good neighbor
and a smart person by clearing nearby fire hydrants and sewer openings
of any obstructions; if in doubt or in question, call your Community
Board, dial “3-1-1,” or consult the municipal website,
For those who do not willingly step up to the plate and unfortunately
only react to punitive incentives, please know that failure to perform
one’s snow removal responsibilities sufficiently and satisfactorily is
punishable by law with fines ranging from $100 to $350. Throwing snow
into the street is AGAINST THE LAW and will cost money to the
Sanitation Department (who must waste our precious tax dollars
repeating a task already done once) and also to the sinner, who, if
discovered, is subject to the abovementioned fines. Parking a motor
vehicle in a manner that jeopardizes traffic safety may lead to the
issuance of a traffic summons.  Impeding the work of our first
responders  --  N.Y.P.D., F.D.N.Y., and E.M.T.’s  --  can result in
both criminal penalties along with possible civil liability.
In closing, I address this final word to our young people. You are
good. You are thoughtful and considerate. You care about others. You
recognize injustice. You dream of a world that can and should be
kinder, gentler, and better. You have the capacity and the
determination to undertake this quest and to get it underway. We, your
elders, have failed you in many ways. We do not always give you good
example. We do not always practice what we preach. We have not always
counseled you wisely and imparted wholesome and virtuous values. We
have not made our schools the best that they can and should be for
you. We have not provided you with needed jobs, opportunities for
recreation and socialization, and productive outlets for your energies
and magnificent to God-given gifts.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that you, young friends, have nothing
to offer both to yourself and to others. You are not off--the-hook.
You have no right to waste your time.  You have no justification for
bad behavior. You have no excuse to break the law. You have every
obligation to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You
have the capacity to so love and to be so mature. Ergo, I make of you
this simple request: will you be a good neighbor as God has asked all
of us to be? Will you be your neighbor’s keeper? Will you be that Good
Samaritan who comes to the rescue of those in need on the road of
life? Would you kindly consider doing some snow and ice removal in the
event of more inclement weather? Will you do it for your own family?
Better still, will you do it for an elderly, sick, or incapacitated
next-door neighbor? Will you make a grocery run for the homebound?
Will you start to be the good person and productive citizen that we
all know you can be? Please, just think about it.
In the meantime, I urge all to practice the sagacious advice of our
new Mayor, The Honorable Bill de Blasio, for his fellow
Stay warm and dry!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mott Haven News: Baby, it’s COLD outside!

Mott Haven News: Baby, it’s COLD outside!: Community Board News N’ Views By Father Richard F. Gorman Chairman Community Board #12 (The Bronx) “So very nice ...

Baby, it’s COLD outside!

Community Board
News N’ Views
By Father Richard F. Gorman
Community Board #12 (The Bronx)
“So very nice
 I’ll hold your hands; they’re just like ice.
Baby, it’s cold outside!”
BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 8- Whether sung by Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Vanessa Williams, or Lady Antebellum, these lyrics from the song “BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!” ring all so true as I pen this initial column for the New Year of Our Lord 2014. The weather has been extreme, to say the least, more characteristic of a polar ice cap region at either the top or the bottom of the Earth rather than the City of New York. Hopefully, the current climatic conditions are merely the appetizer, and not the main course, of what Old Man Winter is serving up for us this season!
Frigid temperatures, snow and ice storms, and slippery streets aside, there are many “warm” circumstances that have bestowed more temperate moments upon us in the first two weeks of our New Year. We have a new Municipal Administration in place at City Hall headed by the City of New York’s 109TH Mayor, The Honorable Bill de Blasio, the first Democrat to hold this office in two decades. He is accompanied at the helm of Municipal Government by our new Comptroller, The Honorable Scott M. Stringer, whose roots are in our very own Borough of The Bronx, and by the first African-American woman ever to be elected to citywide office, Public Advocate for the City of New York Letitia A. “Tish” James. While one of our City Council representatives, The Honorable Andy Cohen, was able to have his public inauguration at Lehman College on Sunday afternoon, 5 January 2014, our other Council Member, The Honorable Andy L. King, had to give way to our opening snow blast of 2014 and postpone his formal taking of the oath of office until Sunday, 12 January 2014. We shall be keeping our fingers crossed that only welcome guests, and not Old Man Winter or Mister Snowman, show up for Council Member King’s happy occasion. By the time that you read this column, the swearing-in of The Honorable Ruben Diaz, Jr. as the Borough President of The Bronx will take place as scheduled and, please God, in slightly warmer environs on Thursday, 9 January 2014.
The sort of extreme weather that has been thrust upon us always
presents challenges, not the least of which is to be faithful to God’s commandment that we be our neighbor’s keeper. There are any number of safety steps that a responsible neighbor should keep in mind and practice, not only in self-interest, but in that of those with whom we share this planet and that portion of it that we know and love so well --  i.e., the Borough of The Bronx. Among them are the following:
GUARD AGAINST FROSTBITE: With wind chills thrusting us into sub-zero degree air temperatures, exposed skin can get frostbitten in minutes and hypothermia is a major threat. Wear mittens instead of gloves, particularly those made of leather; dress in layers of warm clothing; and anyone who becomes wet should retreat indoors immediately. Unless absolutely essential, stay home and, for those venturing into the frigid outdoors, be certain that all body parts are well covered and protected.
CHECK THE CAR BATTERY: Batteries three years of age or older may not be able to get one’s motor vehicle started or to be “jumped” after being exposed to temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit (0ºF) for an extended period of time.
TURN DOWN THE THERMOSTAT: Keeping one’s residential thermostat relatively low at sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68ºF) saves money on one’s heating bills as well as helps to prevent a power shortage and/or blackout.
BE CAUTIOUS IN UTILIZING SUPPLEMENTAL HEATING DEVICES: Space heaters, stoves, ovens, and kerosene or propane heaters that should only be employed outdoors are an all-too-common cause of carbon monoxide poising or even death and are the origin of approximately 50,000 residential fires and some 150 fatalities per annum.
PROTECT WATER PIPES: Freezing water that expands in pipes causes the pipes to burst so pay heed to any pipes that are exposed to low temperatures (such as those in basements, attics, garages, or crawl spaces) and lines for outdoor sprinklers and swimming pools.
CHECK ON ELDERLY, INFIRM, AND CHALLENGED NEIGHBORS: Do not neglect to make certain that these most dependent of God’s Children are warm, safe, nourished, and in adequate supply of food and water.
Space and the attention span of you, dear readers and friends, prevent me from sharing some thoughts about handling snowfall and the regrettable and somewhat selfish habits and practices of too many of our neighborhood residents with respect thereto. So that they are not lost, especially on those guilty of making use of them, I shall turn attention to them the next time we meet. Suffice it to say in the meanwhile, though, that my good Friend, Commissioner of Sanitation John J. Doherty, and his team did their usual bang-up job of getting our streets salted and cleared of snow last week. Commissioner Doherty has been asked to remain for the time being at the helm of the New York City Department of Sanitation (N.Y.C.D.O.S.) and, if he is willing and Mayor De Blasio so determines, it would be a blessing to see this life-long public servant in N.Y.C.D.O.S. remain behind his desk at 125 Worth Street in Manhattan.
May God bless us all with a Healthy and Peaceful 2014!
Until next time, that is it for this time!